Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do I sound like I need help?

for the past 2 days I was crying about missing the ducks I had during my vacation but I think it's more then that for some weird reason thoughts of 8th grade kept coming back to me I'm going to be a sophomore in high school but I still can't shake the trauma of what happened I got death threats from "friends" and rumors spread about me but I don't even talk to those people any more but it's burned into my head thinking everyone I know is either lying about they like me or talking behind my back. When I here my friends talking about they are going over their other friends house I think I'm going to come up in conversation and they will say nasty things about me. In the car I was listing to on of my favorite songs it was a happy song but I had thoughts about my funeral or getting angry and committing suicide and everyone I know was looking at a slide show of me and my mother and father were crying. I think I need help but I'm so scared to ask for help. I don't want to tell my guidance counselor if this keeps up because I don't want her to tell my mother and my father but I don't want to tell them because I'm scared they will get upset and/ or be mad at me. What should I do? I've had depression before but I kept it a secrete I had all the signs I just never reached out for help. I'm only 14

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